Arguments for KNX The Advantages of KNX
The above arguments are evaluated differently from the point of view of the client or the user of the installation e.g. functional building compared to residential building, able-bodied people compared to disabled people, young people compared to elderly people,…. Example 1: Implementation of central functions – when you are leaving the building, all the lights, the water supply and specific sockets (electric oven…) can be switched off, the KNX alarm system can be activated and the blinds can be controlled dependent on the time of day. Example 2: In conference rooms, theatres as well as living rooms, it is possible to activate different light scenes depending on the activity which can be modified by the user at any time. For example in administration buildings, it is possible to achieve an energy saving of up to 75% for the lighting system by implementing constant light control with only one brightness sensor for each side of the building. Example 3: All the states in a flat can be indicated and operated in clear text
via display units. This can be implemented in the same way in larger installations
using PCs and visualisation software. By interfacing a KNX installation with the telephone network, the user can influence or query the building management functions (e.g. the heating) using a mobile phone. Alarm signals can be automatically routed to any telephone number as required. KNX installations can also be remotely serviced and configured by the installer using any available media (e.g. the Internet). The time required for maintaining the building management system is thus considerably reduced. Example 5: It should be possible to divide a large conference room into several independent areas if the need arises. By inserting partition walls, the KNX installation automatically detects the required assignment of switches and lights per room section. It is therefore not necessary to change the existing cabling. Example 6: Any number of panic switches (e.g. activation of all the lights) can
be installed. Example 7: KNX enables individual room control of the heating and cooling system with the creation of heating and cooling profiles per room. The heat or cold input for a room is automatically adjusted when a window is opened. These measures make it possible to achieve an energy saving of more than 30% per year. The heat generation can also be controlled dependent on the heat requirement of the individual rooms (heat is only produced when it is actually required). Example 8: KNX enables presence simulation when the user is absent. Back