Datatyper (DPT)

What is DPT?
DPT stands for Data Point Types and describe how commands and values in KNX are sent from one product to others.

Different DPT has different length and formatting of data and there are different DPT adapted to different types of values. For example, there is a DPT for sending on / off commands and another to send temperature values.

Common data types (DPT)
The table shows the most commonly used DPT. Each DPT is identified by an ID grouped according to its type. In the table is its intended use, length of data and any entity listed.

DPT id Name Description

1.001 DPT_Switch

Used primarily to control the lighting On/Off. Data is 1 bit, 1/0. Can represent most of the 1-bit functions. (Former EIS1)

4.001 DPT_Char_ASCII

Used to send a single character ASCII (Former EIS 13)

5.001 DPT_Scaling

Used for light values and representes values by 0-100%. Data is 1 byte between 0 - 255. (Former EIS 6)

5.010 DPT_Value_1_Ucount

Used for counter values of one byte (0-255, unsigned). (Former EIS 14 unsigned)

6.010 DPT_Value_1_Count

Used for counter values of 1 byte (-128 - 127, signedt). (Former EIS 14 Signed)

7.001 DPT_Value_2_Ucount

Used to count Values into two bytes (0 - 65535, unsigned). (Former EIS 10 unsigned)

8.001 DPT_Value_2_Count

Used for counter values in 2 bytes (-32 768 - 32767, signed). (Former EIS 10 Signed)

9.001 DPT_Value_Temp

Used for measuring of temperature. Built as 2 bytes floating point -273 - 670 760 ° C. (Former EIS 5)

9.004 DPT_Value_Lux

Used to measure lightlevel. Built as 2 bytes floating point 0-670760 lux. (Former EIS 5)

9.005 DPT_Value_Wsp

Used for measuring the windspeed. Built as 2 bytes floating point 0-670760 m/s. (Former EIS 5)

9.020 DPT_Value_Volt

Used for measuring electrical current. Built as 2 bytes floating point -670 760 - 670 760 mV. (Former EIS 5)

9.021 DPT_Value_Curr

Used to measure electrical voltage. Built as 2 bytes floating point -670 760 - 670 760 mA. (Former EIS 5)

9.024 DPT_Power

Used for measuring electrical power. Built as 2 bytes floating point -670 760 - 670 760 kW. (Former EIS 5)

12.001 DPT_Value_4_Ucount

Used for counter values of four bytes (0-4294967295, unsigned). (Former EIS 11 unsigned)

13.001 DPT_Value_4_Count

Used for counter values of 4 bytes (-2,147,483,648 - 2,147,483,647, signed). (Former EIS 11 Signed)

14.007 DPT_Value_AngleDeg

Used to measure angle. Built as 4-byte floating point with the unit degrees(°). (Former EIS 9)

14.010 DPT_Value_Area

Used for measure of area. Built as 4-byte floating point with the unit square meters. (Former EIS 9)

14.019 DPT_Value_Electric_

Used for measuring elektric current. Structured as four byte floating point with the unit A. (former EIS 9)

14.027 DPT_Value_Electric_

Used for measureing voltage (potential). Built as 4-byte floating point with the unit V (formerly EIS 9)

14.031 DPT_Value_Energy

Used to measure energy. Built as 4-byte floating point unit with J. (the former EIS 9)

14.033 DPT_Value_Frequency

Used to measure frequency. Built as 4-byte floating point with the unit Hz. (Former EIS 9)

14.038 DPT_Value_Impedance

Used to measure impedance. Built as 4-byte floating point with the unit Ω. (Former EIS 9)

14.039 DPT_Value_Length

Used for measuring length. Built as 4-byte floating point with the unit m (former EIS 9)

14.051 DPT_Value_Mass

Used to measure mass. Built as 4-byte floating point with the unit kg. (Former EIS 9)

14.056 DPT_Value_Power

Used for measuring power. Built as 4-byte floating point with the unit W. (formerly EIS 9)

14.060 DPT_Value_Resistance

Used for measure resistance. Built as 4-byte floating point with the unit Ω. (Former EIS 9)

14.065 DPT_Value_Speed

Used for measure of speed. Built as 4-byte floating point with the unit m / s. (Former EIS 9)

14.068 DPT_Value_Common

Used for measure temperature. Built as 4-byte floating point with the unit °C (Former EIS 9)

14.069 DPT_Value_Absolute

Used for measuring the absolute temperature. Built as 4-byte floating point with the unit K. (former EIS 9)

14.076 DPT_Value_Volume

Used for measure volume. Structured as 4-byte floating point with the unit m3. (Former EIS 9)

16.000 DPT_String_ASCII

Used for transmission of text strings of 1-14 characters as ASCII.

A complete list of all DPT can be downloaded from KNX,

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